
Thursday, February 7, 2013

Science Notes Class 8

Class 8
Science Notes

-Light is a form of energy which can be detected by our eyes. It can travel through vacuum and different media
-The speed of light in vacuum is 300'000'000 m/s
-Light travels at different speeds in different media
-Light travels in a straight line in the same media
-The path along which light travels is called a Ray
-A beam of light is made up of a bundle of rays. It can be parallel,divergent or convergent
-Some objects are able to give out their on light. These objects are said to be luminous objects
-Objects which do not give out their own light are said to be non-luminous objects
-When light falls on an object it can be reflected,transmitted or absorbed 
-Transparent materials allows almost all the light to pass through
-Translucent materials allows some light to pass through.
-Opaque materials do not allows light to pass through.

Book : International Lower Secondary Science 3
By : Tajwar Rasheed

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